Cyber crime is on everyone's lips. It's in the daily news, and every week society gets overwhelmed with information about hacking attacks, industrial espionage, unavailable IT services, and imprisonment of IT criminals. Not least the NSA affair has widely contributed to the "popularity" of headlines about spying out other nations' administrations, companies and citizens. But scarcely anybody understands what a hacker is doing at all. What the heck is hacking actually? This book is a story about exploit development. It demonstrates how a hacker exploits a browser vulnerability, step-by-step. Starting with the crash time analysis of a vulnerable program, the author develops an exploit and shows blow-by-blow how a hacker thinks; what problems come up, and how an attacker can bypass the security protection mechanisms of the operating system. This book is highly technical! The reader is required to have a slightly perverse inclination to read debug messages, memory addresses and assembler instructions. If you're interested in hacking, you will get a quite good understanding about what hacking is in practice. If you're a newbie to Win32 hacking, roll up your sleeves and become a hacker! Learn about shellcode, and how to bypass ASLR and DEP! If you're part of the InfoSec community, have a good reading. This is no theory, this is deep dive!
Paperback: 160 Pages
Language: English
ISBN: 978-3738620092
Enjoy reading!

Hacker paragraph, federal trojan, mass data storage - the threat from the Internet has long since reached the public space. The responsibility for securing a system lies with the user himself. This book introduces to the approaches by professional attackers and puts the reader into the position to think like a hacker. Become a good, an ethical hacker and find security weaknesses before others do. The presented ideas and procedures will help you to understand the architecture of computers and networks and to understand weaknesses in protocols. A book for administrators and anyone who has a networking computer and wants to protect it from attacks. No special IT know-how is required for reading the book (but it is an advantage).
Enjoy reading!

How hackers take control over your system...
When hackers break into networks, they can cause immense damage, especially financially. It's not just companies that work with sensitive user data that need to be protected. Private users too have to face spyware, trojans, phishing, spam, viruses and worms. Dangers lurk on social networking sites as well as on job boards in the Internet and in online shops. Buying security software may be a proper and important step in protecting yourself, but it is far from adequate. Instead, learn to protect yourself. Learn how hackers think! Learn how to hack yourself!
You will be amazed at realizing what you will find about you and your systems in the Internet, and how this knowledge can be used against you. This audio book "Ethical Hacking - An AudIT Experience" demonstrates how a professional hack works. The listener learns about the five stages of an attack: reconnaissance, scanning, attacking, maintaining access, and clearing logs, and, of course, appropriate countermeasures are introduced to understand the hackers' actions and protect from harm.
The Internet is not socially acceptable in the form we have it today. It's based on outdated protocols that have not been adapted to our current security needs for over 20 years. Currently, there is not enough assurance that the one with whom we share information is actually the one he claims to be! Therefore, the Internet needs a revolution!
On "Ethical Hacking - An AudIT Experience by Manu Carus," the first german audio book on information security, Manu Carus shares with other professional speakers insights about threats and appropriate protective measures.
Enjoy listening.

CYBER CRIME is a constant quest in daily news. Society has gotten used to hacker attacks, data theft, espionage and international affairs, but only a few understand in detail how an attacker succeeds at intruding into a machine. How are hackers working, thinking, tricking ? How do they turn a weakness into an attack ?
A clear comprehension of how an exploit works is essential to proper migration techniques. How does a hacker take over control ? Don't the OS protection mechanism take effect ? Which problems come up at runtime ?
How can a hacker surf around those stumbling blocks ?
A word of warning: This is a highly technical explanation based on a real vulnerability.

iX Magazine
The Development of an Exploit
Deep Dive
Manu Carus
Hacker attacks are just as commonplace as the outrage over intelligence services and spy tools. But hardly anyone understands how a cyber attack works at core. Be aware that you can only protect effectively what you know and understand.
A step-by-step instruction for Remote Code Execution.